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    [นอกประเด็นนิดนึง]FREE 1 GB YAHOO ACCOUNT

    สำหรับเพื่อนๆ ที่อยากได้ mail yahoo ขนาด 1 Gb ไว้ใช้ค่ะ ทดลองทำมาแล้ว ใช้ได้ค่ะ  

    Here's how:
    >1. Create a Yahoo ID. You can create one here:
    >copy paste this link on ur address bar
    >2. UNCHECK the 'Create my free Yahoo! email
    >address'. Give an alternate non-yahoo email address.
    >3. Complete the procedures, then logout after.
    >4. Activate your chinesa-domained email adress by going to ( THE PAGES WILL BE IN CHINESE FONT )
    >5. Fill in your newly created Yahoo ID and password and click the button below.
    >6. Type anything on the two text boxes that appears. I don't know what the labels say either.
    >7. You will have initially 100 MB of email space.
    >8. Logout.
    >9. Login to Yahoo Messenger ( YM ), using your newly created Yahoo ID.
    >if you don't have YM installed, donwload it here:
    >10. Add at least a contact/friend. If you don't have anyone to add, add this ID: chowyeuw
    >11. Logout.
    >12. Go to
    >13. Click the *glowing* 1G icon.
    >14. A new page will be opened on a new browser window.
    >15. Fill in your newly created Yahoo ID and password on the the 2 text boxes below. Then click the yellow button under.[ I think it says Sign-in]
    >16. Just click the 2 big yellow buttons that appear succesively.
    >17. Now you have 0% of 1.0GB
    >Your default language will be English, with free POP3.
    >This will be good news for those without Gmail account

    จากคุณ : Maltese - [ 5 พ.ย. 47 22:01:38 ]


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