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    ถ้าใครต้องการยืมอ่าน หากเราได้มีโอกาสพบกัน
    ในชีวิตจริง ก็ขอหยิบขอยืมกันได้ครับ

    Fuzzy Thinking: The New Science of Fuzzy Logic, Bart Kosko

    Mathematics for the Imagination, Peter M. Higgins

    Imagining Numbers(Particularly the square root of minus fifteen),Barry Mazur

    The Emperor’s New Mind,Roger Penrose

    Makers of Mathematics,Stuart Hollingdale

    Mathematical Carnival,Martin Gardner
    Does God Play Dice,Ian Stewart

    Space, Time and Gravity : The Theory of the Big Bang and Black Holes,Robert M. Wald

    The Elegant Universe,Brian Greene

    The Quantum World,J.C. Polkinghorne

    Theories of Everything: The quest for ultimate explanation,John D. Barrow

    Fear of Physics,Lawrence Krauss

    The Mind of God : Science and the search for ultimate meaning,Paul Davies

    Surely you’re joking Mr.Feynman! : Adventures of a curious character,Richard P. Feynman

    The Character of Physical Law,Richard P. Feynman

    Six Easy Pieces,Richard P. Feynman

    What do YOU care what other people think ?,Richard P. Feynman

    The meaning of it all,Richard P. Feynman

    Teach yourself philosophy of science,Mel Thompson

    Mathematics : A very short introduction,Timothy Gowers

    Just six numbers: The deep forces that shape the universe,Martin Rees

    Studying Physics,David Sands

    Wholeness and the Implicate Order,David Bohm

    Nature’s Numbers : Discovering order and pattern in the universe,Ian Stewart

    Our Linging Multiverse : A Book of Genesis in 0+7 Chapters,Fred Adams

    Hyperspace : A Scientific Odyssey through the 10th Dimension, Michio Kaku

    Introducing Chaos,Ziauddin Sardar and Iwona Abrams

    Asimov’s New Guide to Science : A Revised Edition,Issac Asimov

    At Home in the Universe : The Search for Laws of Complexity,Stuart Kauffman

    The Nature of Space and Time,Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose

    The Quark and the Jaquar,Murray Gell-Mann

    The Road to Stockholm,Istvan Hargittai

    I wish I’d make you angry earlier : Essays on Science and Scientists,Max Perutz

    Discover Science Almanac : The Definitive Science Resource,Editors of Discover Magazine

    Can Reindeer Fly? : The Science of Christmas,Roger Highfield

    Fermat’s Last Theorem : Unlocking the secret of an ancient mathematical problem,Amir D. Aczel

    Schrodinger’s Kittens and the Search for Reality,John Gribbin

    Mathematics : The New Golden Age,Keith Devlin

    Stardust: The Cosmic recycling of stars, planets and people,John Gribbin

    Turn right at orion : travels through the cosmos,Mitchell Begelman

    Equinox Book,Jack Challoner, Anna Grayson, Peter Harclerode

    Quantum Theory : A Very Short Introduction ,John Polkinghorne

    The Earth : A Very Short Introduction,Martin Redfern

    Impossibility : The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits,John D. Barrow

    Faith in Science : Scientists Search for Truth,W. Mark Richardson and Gordy Slack

    It must be beautiful : Great Equations of Modern Science,Graham Farmelo

    Shadows of the Mind,Roger Penrose

    Mathematics : The Loss of Certainty,Morris Kline

    What is this thing called Science ?,A.F. Chalmers

    The Last Three Minutes,Paul Davies

    The New Scientist Guide to Chaos,Nina Hall

    E=mc^2 : A Biography of the World’s Most Famous Equation,David Bodanis

    Science and the quest for reality,Alfred I. Tauber

    Wittgenstein’s Beetle and Other Classic Thought Experiments,Martin Cohen

    Rationality and Science,Roger Trigg

    The Enigma of Time,P.T. Landsberg

    Philosophical Concepts in Physics : The Historical relation between philosophy and scientific theories,James T. Cushing

    The Story of a number,Eli Maor

    Beyond measure : modern physics, philosophy, and the meaning of quantum theory,Jim Baggott

    Beyond the Atom : The Philosophical Thought of Wolfgang Pauli,K.V. Laurikainen

    Godel, Escher, Bach : An Eternal Golden Braid,Douglas R. Hofstadter

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