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    =^o^= 5 books that take you to heaven??{แตกประเด็นจาก K4331827}

    กระทู้นี้แตกประเด็นมาจาก K4331827

    Hi everyone,  I miss you all, P’Klang, P’Dimsum, P’Petit, Auntie, P’Pooh, P’Pun, P’Pat, Ice, Nid, N’Blue, N’Joy, and others who I didn’t mention the names ka!!!!!!!!!  

    First of all, sorry for my disappearing from this little reading group … haha.. Since I joined this company for 1.5 years (Isn’t it that fast??), I can count all the books I’ve read within my 2 hands!! I didn’t have time to read, and I couldn’t access my hotmail account from the office, once I was back to the hotel, I also didn’t want to connect the internet or even turn on my laptop. I really can’t imagine how the workload can be this crazy! Anyway, now I’m in Singapore and I should be back in Bangkok next month.

    I know that you gals just had a meeting recently, I wish I could be there as well!  Can we have a small gathering when I’m back there???? I really really miss you…

    Recently I fell sick and I had to spend my days in bed, and that was how I began to read these 5 books.

    P.S. I don't check my hotmail account at all, so please leave me the message here or drop me a line behind this smiley face na ka :)

    แก้ไขเมื่อ 06 มิ.ย. 49 16:32:00

    จากคุณ : Angel Eyes - [ 6 มิ.ย. 49 16:11:37 ]


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